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What did God say today? God is speaking powerfully through the miraculous daily collisions of heaven and earth.

The Touched by Heaven podcast shares encounters with angels, divine interventions, visions, near-death experiences, and God-incidents to fortify the faithful and awaken the fallen away.


May 30, 2021

TBH 162

Ella met her husband on the phone. Is it also how she met the mother of Jesus?

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If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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May 23, 2021

TBH 161

At key moments in Jim's life, God has been there to guide him. There were people that he needed to forgive, and one particular girl that Jim needed to marry!

Share YOUR Story

If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our listeners look forward to hearing about...

May 16, 2021

TBH 160

Heaven was calling thirteen-year old Elijah.

Share YOUR Story

If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're...

May 9, 2021

TBH 159

Jesus showed Maureen a vision of her deceased father in handcuffs. What did Jesus want her to do?

Share YOUR Story

If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us a note. Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

May 2, 2021

TBH 158

Mystics throughout the world agree that the upcoming illumination of conscience is the next huge global event. Our guest on the podcast has also seen the apostasy within the church, and Christ coming for the believers.

Share YOUR Story

If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share, please leave us...